HHMS Anti-Bullying Specialist - Jordan Smothers- Phone: 732-452-2940 ext. 31007 Email- jordan.smothers@edison.k12.nj.us    Fax: 732-452-2949

 District Anti-Bullying Coordinator -Patrick Kissane- Phone: 732-452-4900 

 Alternate Anti Bullying Specialist-Dr. Kelly Rappa  732-452-2940

School Safety Team

Ms. Willams- Guidance 6

Ms. Smothers- Guidance 7

Ms. Simmons- Guidance 8 

Monique Pearce, Parent Representative/PTO President

Online Reporting - HIBster

Click here to download the HIB Incident: Written Reporting Form

NJDOE Website on Anti-Bullying

Click here to view district HIB information.

Download the district HIB Training Powerpoint