Please be advised that students arriving at HHMS by car should only be dropped off in front of the school in our designated student drop-off area. Cabot Avenue is not a student drop zone. Additionally, the parking lot at the end of Cabot Avenue is under construction and will be fenced off shortly. Students cannot walk behind the softball field to access HHMS. All students should walk to Jackson Avenue and enter using the sidewalk.
Drop-Off -Students arriving by car or on foot should arrive at HHMS by 8:15. All students should access our campus from Jackson Avenue.
Pick-Up- Parents must park in the street and meet their children at the front of the school during after-school pick-up. Cars are not permitted to enter our campus during pick-up.
Please click here to view our student drop-off area and traffic pattern.
Safety Reminders
- Students should only cross Amboy Avenue at the intersection of Jackson Avenue with the crossing guard.
- Students are not permitted to enter our campus from Brower Avenue. Students should never walk through the maintenance yard at the end of Brower Avenue.
- Students should always use the sidewalks.
- Students should only exit vehicles in the designated student drop area in front of the school.